söndag 27 december 2009

fredag 25 december 2009

onsdag 23 december 2009

söndag 20 december 2009

Hej mitt vinterland

På väg mot Vemdalen...20 mil kvar,woo!

onsdag 16 december 2009

How much do you love the holidays?

You Love the Holidays

You enjoy every aspect of the holidays, but you don't go overboard. You believe that it's important to relax this time of year.

You get into the holiday spirt, and you enjoy every activity - from baking cookies to shopping for personalized gifts.

That being said, the holidays are a lot of work. You're both happy to see them come and happy to see them go.

You're a bit of a traditionalist. You think the holidays start too soon and are a bit too commercial. You wish that people understood the true meaning of the season.

lördag 12 december 2009

fredag 11 december 2009

Ludde myser framför Idol

Undrar om han hejar på Erik eller Calle?! Jag hejar på Erik!!!

tisdag 8 december 2009


Kycklingklubbor & coleslaw a la Mange

måndag 7 december 2009

What kind of brownie are you?

You Are a Caramel Brownie

You are a very sweet person. Even when you get yourself in to binds, people know that your heart is in the right place.

You're the type of guy or gal that people never forget. There is something "sticky" about you - you stick in people's brain's.

You are act naturally. You let the world see who you are, flaws and all. You're a little chaotic and even messy, but you're okay with that.

You can be a bit hyper and unfocused at times. You don't stay organized - but that's part of your charm!

söndag 29 november 2009

måndag 23 november 2009


Skön start på veckan med frukost i nya köket. I sällskap av levande ljus,me like.

torsdag 19 november 2009

söndag 15 november 2009

7 saker om mig själv

Jag älskar utmaningar så jag kunde inte låta bli att göra denna när jag såg den på emmas blogg. Hoppas det är ok, Emma. ;o)


...är helt tokig i te & anser att tekoppen ska vara STOR, annars får det va.

...älskar katter men är tyvärr allergisk, snyft.

...bor i den mysigaste lägenheten jag nånsin bott i - love it!

...motionerar alldeles för lite nuförtiden, måste börja powerwalka igen åtminstone.

...är världens lataste idag - söndagsmys rules.

...anser att Idol, Dansbandskampen, Bonde söker fru & Ullared är bäst på tv just nu. Heja Tove, Erik, Zekes, Date, Roger & Kjelle!

...längtar till 1 maj 2010 då jag ska besöka New York tillsammans med mamsen & mina storasystrar. Tills dess får jag njuta av "the skyview" - fototapeten som min älskling satt upp i köket.

fredag 13 november 2009


Den här klänningen har jag precis beställt från Haléns. Hoppas nu bara att den är passar och är lika snygg på mig som på bilden. ;o) I början av januari får jag svaret på det, hihi...den som väntar på nåt gott.

lördag 24 oktober 2009

Walking with dinosaurs...

...börjar snart! Vi sitter på rad 10 så vi ser bra.

Vacker entré på Naturhistoriska muséet

onsdag 21 oktober 2009

What´s your autumn sense?

Your Autumn Sense is Touch

You are a very tactile, physical person. Your favorite fall activities revolve around doing something.

Whether you're going for a hike, cooking Thanksgiving dinner, or decorating for Halloween, you like to keep moving.

You like the feel of crisp fall air as well as you like the feel of a roaring fire at night.

You like invigorating mornings, perfect afternoons, and cozy nights. Whatever feeling fall brings to you, you embrace.

söndag 18 oktober 2009

What´s your best trait?

Your Best Trait is Confidence

You are the type of person who just goes for it. Whether you win or lose, you're always happiest when you at least tried.

You are fearless when it comes to failure. You have learned that the key to life is just showing up, so you're always there bright and early.

While you are always doing your best, you have had to let go of what others think of you. You define your own success.

You may disappoint yourself or look stupid sometimes, but you always hold your head high. You know that tomorrow will give you another opportunity to try again.

lördag 17 oktober 2009

onsdag 14 oktober 2009

What autumn drink are you?

You Are Mulled Wine

You are a good friend. You love to gather with those who are dear to you, to catch up and drink lots of wine.

For you, fall means more dinners with friends and long nights by the fire. You love coming inside after the summer.

You enjoy making your home as comfortable as possible during the fall. You never know who might stop by for a warm drink or a piece of pie.

Your ultimate holiday, Thanksgiving, also arrives in the fall. Whether you're hosting or just bringing a dish, you love how everyone gets together during this time.

tisdag 13 oktober 2009

What Michael Jackson song are you?

You Are "Black or White"

You are a compassionate and caring. You see the world as an unfair place, and you'd like to fix as many of those injustices as possible.

While you can't change the world, you do your best to treat people fairly and equally no matter what.

You're the first one you know to gather signatures for a good cause. You can't understand why how so many people can be so complacent.

You love unconditionally and freely. You consider other people to be your brothers and sisters.

lördag 10 oktober 2009

Ljung - love it

Tack för den vackra ljungen Fina,Fredrik & Vera

måndag 5 oktober 2009

Solen glänser i vackra Judarsjön

Njuter av en härlig höstprommis

What autumn smell are you?

You Are Warm Apple Cider

You love to feel warm and full. You love all the small comforts that come with fall.

Unlike most people, you are as active in fall as you are in the summer. You just make sure and keep warm.

For you, fall is the perfect time of year to visit cafes or go for long walks. The season makes you feel energized.

You love the bustle of everyone being back from the summer vacation and back to work.

lördag 3 oktober 2009

Bubbel innan buffén

Nu går vi snart ombord!

Skål från Gamla Stan

What room are you most at home in?

You Are Most at Home in the Living Room

You're the type of person who always feels relaxed at home. In many ways, it's where you're at your best.

You love to chill out at home. You are not the biggest homebody in the world, but you appreciate the time you spend there.

There's nothing like having a few friends over to watch a movie or just talk in your living room.

You are proud of the home you've created, and you love to share it with others.

torsdag 1 oktober 2009

onsdag 30 september 2009

fredag 25 september 2009

Äntligen fredag!


Så gott vin - 79 kr kostar en flaska.

måndag 21 september 2009

fredag 18 september 2009